I arrived in Poland now. Amazing screening last night for MR. Forgive me as I am a little brain dead, jet lagged, upside down, but what I want to say is: Right now, the Kickstarter Campaign is soaring! It gives me so much hope! We have a few hours left till the campaign closes. It has exceeded our expectations. We are now at $130,000. BUT THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE TO HAVE A US THEATRICAL TOUR!
If everyone in the Community can pitch in now just a little more and we can make it to 140,000 we will then have the 40,000 to start the theatrical campaign – with Khyentse Yeshe touring with the film – beginning with hiring the theatrical booking company. Just to remind you how the funds will be used I quote the long letter I wrote yesterday:
“For those of you who are not American you might be wondering what this has to do with you? But in a sense, it has to do with all of us who believe in the importance of people seeing this film. The reality is that the entire industry looks to the American market and how well a film does here; the world is driven by the American theatrical response. All the press and reviews the film generates in America inspires the rest of the world to participate and take the film seriously. It is just the way the industry works. Meanwhile, the US is a huge potential territory for the film to be released to a population of 350+ million hungry viewers. There is such potential to share the Teachings and work of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and Khyentse Yeshe. The film offers a crucial message about the value of the Tibetan Spiritual Legacy, the importance of saving it, and how it is possible to do so from one generation to another.
“The US theatrical campaign is expensive, bare minimum it will cost $40,000 but can go up to $70,000. It is a city-by-city tour, potentially and depending upon funds in up to 60 cities. An experienced booker is hired, film press agents are employed in specific cities, ads are placed when necessary, materials (like posters and postcards) created and distributed, high quality prints or video are made, partnerships are forged, and a strong, active web based outreach campaign to promote the film city by city is launched with all of your help blogging, posting, writing and reaching out to everyone. The film is a perfect opportunity to bring together a wide group of organizations from religious, Tibetan, Buddhist, spiritual, New Age, family, and on to create cross-partnerships. It is an opportunity for audiences to meet the protagonist, Khyentse Yeshe, who has offered to travel, teach and lecture with it in selected cities.”
If you can make a donation now, please do! CLICK HERE TO KICK.
To all of you: thank you so much for the support, tolerance, and love. We are doing this and breaking all records!
Love from Krakow,