Posted by Story Submission on Oct 30th, 2011 | 0 comments
Domo Geshe Rinpoche
Central Wisconsin
I remember when Robert Thurman came to my place in Upstate NY to request a particular practice and meet me in the late 80′s. I did not give him the practice. That was after HH the Dalai Lama spent a few days at my place. Perhaps he will remember our meeting. I was still in my Tibetan body then. In…
Posted by Story Submission on Oct 19th, 2011 | 0 comments
Chris Flisher
Boston, MA
We are all travelers with tales to tell. Some of us have had good fortune and some have had bad. What is important is that we evolve and expand in some manner as we make that journey. Whether it is emotional depth we gain, or intellectual vision, or the lightness of simply being, the results are a composite of our impressions and…
Posted by Story Submission on Oct 17th, 2011 | 1 comment
Marinelle van Dongen
Although I’m 100% Dutch, raised by the most perfect parents you can find, I never felt at home. On my travels, I was always looking for job opportunities abroad hoping that that was the solution. But it was not. Ten years ago, I met Buddhism and realized that this was what I’ve been looking for all my life. I started…