It has been a long time since I reached out to you. This month, I am back on a plane heading to show MY REINCARNATION in festivals in Sweden, Romania, and Scotland. The film will also be on tour with the Buddhist Film Festival in Hong Kong, Bangkok, and London. MY REINCARNATION just opened theatrically in Germany and Switzerland.
Our goal is to use MY REINCARNATION to launch a National Spiritual Awareness Campaign (NSAC) across the country that will begin before the broadcast and continue for the entire year. To do so we have committed to raise additional funds to support the broadcast and create additional events for the NSAC.
1. Additional PR Funds: While MY REINCARNATION is perfectly positioned in its airdate and slot, the United States is a huge market and competition for attention is fierce. Many programs have much higher press budgets than what is afforded by Public Television. Because of this I am committed to raise additional PR funds – from $60,000 up to $150,000 – so that we can ensure that this rare story and opportunity for cross-faith dialogue gets promoted properly. The additional funds will pay for a series of additional Satellite PR events on TV and Radio with the film’s protagonist, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu himself, along with extra advertising on national radio and beyond, and interfaith panel discussions with the film in schools, religious groups and community organization to promote cross-faith dialogue and discussion about spirituality. (Complete List and Budget Available upon request).
One opportunity has emerged: We are now allowed to offer a singular donor or organization the ability to have their name on the film as an Underwriter Credit for a minimum donation of $100,000. The person or organization would have a Presenting Credit at the head of the film for the duration of its broadcast over a period of four years. They would also have their name on all press materials. That person or organization would get enormous PR exposure. (The person or organization must pass PBS’s vetting standards.) We have to lock in the Presenter Credit no later than March 15th. If you know any person or group who might like to take part in the film in this way, please contact us at
However, if you can’t be the film’s ‘Underwriter’, we understand! You can still contribute to the campaign by making a donation via PayPal through our website here.
2. National Launch of the Spiritual Awareness Campaign: With A Day-And-Date National Screening Event of MY REINCARNATION in 20 Cinemas across the USA with a Satellite Q&A/Teaching with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and local live panelists afterwards in each cinema location.
Utilizing cutting-edge satellite technology, we are planning a National One Night Screening Event scheduled for June 20, 2012 preceding the Broadcast on June 21 2012. The event would occur in at least 20 high-end cinema venues. The film would be simultaneously beamed into cinemas across the USA and afterwards the audience would have the chance to meet Rinpoche directly in a Satellite Q&A Teaching. Each city hosting a screening would have local religious and spiritual leaders in the cinema to continue the discussion live after the screening and satellite Q + A with Rinpoche.
While this event will cost money (that we must now raise), it has the exciting potential to turn a substantial profit in a short amount of time that can go to the investor or any cause that he/she identifies. A portion of the profit will be donated to the film’s protagonists Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and Khyentse Yeshe. We are looking for an investor – or group of investors – to underwrite this singular event. (Full Proposal and Budget Breakdown Available up on Request.)
Please let us know if you or anyone you know is interested in this participating in this wonderful and powerful opportunity to create a cutting edge interfaith film event across the country. We must raise these funds by March 15th 2012, if we are going to have time to prepare everything, so time is of the essence. You can contact us at
3. To Help Raise Funds for the USA Spiritual Awareness Campaign: The Protagonist of the Film, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and Khyentse Yeshe Generously Donated Precious Spiritual Objects to Auction:
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Donated a Green Tara statue. He writes:
“I am sending to you to auction a Green Tara statue. I consecrated it with all relics of my important teachers such as Rigdzin Jangchub Dorje, Ayu Khandro and Togdan Ugyan Tenzin etc. It is 21 cm. high. You can see its photograph in the attachment.”
See Statue Here
Khyentse Yeshe Donated a Vajrasattva Tangka. He writes:
“I would like to donate to you to auction the most nice and valuable object I own that comes from my trip in Tibet. It is a Tangka of Vajtasattva Yab Yum form made with nice colors and gold; it was found in a special way and means a lot to me, it is connected with this story of my reincarnation”
See Tangka Here
All bids must be made by March 13. The winner will be announced March 15th. To bid, please note which object and email us at
My dear friends please consider bidding on these most precious objects. All bids must be made by March 13. The winner will be announced March 15th. Please write us and specify which item you are bidding on by email at
Meanwhile, any and all help, large and small is extremely welcome in this last big fundraising push for our Spiritual Awareness Campaign. To make a donation with your credit card, go directly to our website.
Thank you from my heart,
With Love and Gratitude,
Jennifer Fox
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